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Diana Taylor

The biggest news of the week is that Cavies and Cake has made its debut in the Eastern Daily Press (EDP) …….. insert excited squeal here! It wasn’t quite the story we had envisaged when we were first approached about having someone report on our project; but the resulting article with its publicity and hype around it has blown our minds! It is so encouraging to have so much positivity, excitement and buzz building around our vision for Cavies and Cake, it only adds to the certainty that there is a need, and a want for this project within our local community; and beyond! Thank you so much for all the comments, emails, messages, likes and shares; we have been floored by the amazing reaction. You have given us such a boost, please forgive us if we take some time to reply to them all, we are endeavouring to do so!

The other major undertaking this week has been beginning the task of painting all of the rooms and areas of the centre. My wonderful dad (who is in our support bubble, just so nobody worries about this!) has stepped up and has worked like an absolute hero this week, with his enthusiasm and endless energy we have completed more of the decorating than we were expecting to, in just a matter of a few days. He turned up on Monday with a car full of extra dustsheets and paintbrushes ready to go! I always love it when he opens his stash of old curtains and sheets, so many memories in those fabrics; everything from the delicate pink roses of my childhood bedroom to the vivid clashes of the oranges, browns and yellows of 70’s interior design! He is an absolute gem and we are so grateful to him, as are the piggies, who rewarded him with a little midweek visit for cuddles and snacks, which was much enjoyed by everyone!

The garden has actively made our ‘to do’ list this week; during a sunny break in the soggy weather the lovely Claire popped by for a socially distanced tour of Cavies and Cakes outside space. She is a wonderful school mum friend who is also the most fabulous gardener and has offered to help us create a truly beautiful garden to extend what we will be able to offer in the coming months. We are aiming for a few small seating areas to enable people to enjoy the garden and the fresh air it provides; imagine benches and seating popped in between mix of fragrant herbs, bright blooms and some climbing greenery to build a peaceful and calming environment to welcome everyone. We are also on the search for other sensory goodies, a water feature and windchimes are high on the search list, as both of these will provide gentle and soothing sounds as a backdrop to this space. We weren’t expecting to find premises with access to a garden, so the fact that we have it is a wonderful extra and we are excited to see how it blesses people in the future!

As we move on into the weekend, we are feeling tired from the physical work, but it’s a good and happy tired which is very satisfying.

Take care

Michelle x

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