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Meet Henry & Hetty

Diana Taylor

Tuesday was our first ‘proper’ day working at Cavies and Cake; we started as we mean to go on, with a socially distant cup of tea, people watching and a few dozen party rings! Since collecting the keys in the mad dash before the snow, the two of us haven’t had any real-life time together to talk through the various bits and bobs which have been happening and today was a great opportunity to check in. We have both had bouts of nerves recently, a week of snow bound home schooling (excellent fun the first half of the week!!!) husbands working from home; followed by my least favourite of the school holidays – the dreaded February Half Term whose usual combination of soggy weather and bored children was exacerbated by being February Half Term in LOCKDOWN…..anyway I digress!

Diana and I spent time going through our stacks of scribbled post-its, walking through each of the spaces in Stable Cottage, trying to envisage different colours and how they would help to create a brighter and more homely atmosphere, whether wallpaper or paint, curtains or blinds, size of table for each room, keeping an eye on social media to see if anyone is selling or giving away items which would work. Its through doing this that we met the lovely Bill, whose generosity has helped us source enough chairs and some of tables we need. We are very much looking forward to inviting him back for a cuppa once we’re all set up!

The more time I spend at Stable Cottage the more normal it is beginning to feel, the greater the sense that we are doing the right thing becomes, doors are opening to us at the right times; the doors maybe sometimes small, but they are opening nonetheless and each one encourages us forwards. By pushing these doors we have uncovered a couple of new harebrained schemes which are starting to form and could change the scope of service we are able to offer!! We are in for an exciting season ahead!

As for today, let me leave you with Hetty and Henry who are becoming better aquainted!

Take care

Michelle x

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